Do ‘NCIS’ Bosses Hold Different Opinions About Whether Jennifer Aniston Was Truly Interested in Joining the Show?

The prospect of Jennifer Aniston potentially joining the cast of CBS’s hit show, NCIS, has been a topic of interest for both fans and those involved in the show’s leadership. Recent reports have shed light on Aniston’s supposed interest in transitioning to the crime procedural drama while winding down her role on Friends. However, conflicting viewpoints within the NCIS top brass have emerged regarding Aniston’s actual consideration for a role on the show.

Revelations regarding Jennifer Aniston’s potential involvement with NCIS have come to the surface through a collaborative oral history of the successful CBS crime drama with The Hollywood Reporter. It was suggested that Aniston expressed an interest in the role of Caitlin Todd as she approached the conclusion of Friends. Rumors circulated that Aniston had been reviewing the NCIS script during the final season of Friends, but scheduling conflicts ultimately prevented her appearance on the show. Ultimately, the role of Caitlin Todd was filled by Sasha Alexander, who, despite her talent, left the series after only two seasons due to the demanding workload.

Regarding Aniston’s potential role on NCIS, there is a difference in opinion among the show’s leadership. Charles Floyd Johnson, the executive producer of NCIS and JAG, mentioned that Aniston was indeed considered for a role on the show. He indicated that Aniston was available and under consideration, saying, “I think Jennifer Aniston was available at the time, and her name was floated.” On the other hand, NCIS’s casting expert, Susan Bluestein, expressed doubt that Aniston had been formally approached. While acknowledging that Aniston’s name might have come up in internal discussions, she did not recall extending an offer to the actor.

Jennifer Aniston herself has refrained from commenting on these swirling rumors. It should be noted that during the time these discussions were allegedly taking place, Aniston was in the process of concluding her iconic role on Friends, which ended in 2004. Subsequently, she primarily focused on her film career until her television return in 2019 with The Morning Show. As such, her potential interest in joining NCIS remains unclear.

In a related context, the article also touches on Sasha Alexander’s departure from the show, as she opened up about the strenuous commitment required for a network series. She cited the grueling schedule of creating 24 episodes over almost 11 months, often with days stretching up to 17 hours. Sasha Alexander explained that her character’s dramatic exit from NCIS was a result of her desire for personal and creative freedom. She firmly believed that her current life, which includes a happy marriage, raising children, and pursuing creative endeavors, would not have been possible if she had continued with the show.

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