Mom Of 4 Scalped Seconds After Making Simple Mistake, Sends Warning To All Other Women!!!!!

Video below ⤵️

Note: we are republishing this story which originally made the news in October 2017.

A New York mother is sharing the harrowing moment she was scalped after her long hair became entangled in a car’s fan belt.


Alon Abare, now reliant on a wig to cover her injuries, was dealing with a mechanical issue in October 2016. As she leaned under the hood, her hair got caught in the running fan belt.


Without thinking, I reached in, and my hair got caught,” Abare told Inside Edition.

In a desperate situation, she screamed for help, and her children rushed to her aid.

“I told them, ‘Find a pair of scissors and cut Mommy’s hair out so I can get free,’” she recounted.


Her son, Sam, quickly turned off the engine while her daughter, Logan, carefully cut her hair to release her from the machinery.

Alon Abare’s story is a powerful reminder of the unexpected dangers in everyday tasks. Her bravery and her children’s swift actions prevented a tragedy, highlighting the importance of safety precautions to avoid similar incidents.


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