10 Amazing GIRLS of NCIS!

How the NCIS Cast Stays Fit and Ready for Action

Since its debut in 2003, NCIS has showcased some of the biggest names in entertainment. From LL Cool J to Lauren Holly, these stars put in the effort to stay in top shape for a show that’s been running for two decades. So, what’s their secret? A mix of discipline, healthy habits, and a good dose of fun. Here’s a look at how 20 NCIS cast members maintain their health and wellness, keeping them ready for action.

1.Maria Bello

Maria Bello, who portrayed Jacqueline Sloane on NCIS, is a big fan of Pilates and working out with a trainer. “I have a trainer named Aimee Carpenter, and she runs a company called Indigo Mountain,” she shares. “Some days we hike, other days we lift weights at my house. It’s all about going with the flow instead of rigidly thinking, ‘I have to do 20 squats today.’ I also enjoy Pilates at a studio called Embodiment.

2.Pauley Perrette

Pauley Perrette, 54, who played Abby Sciuto on NCIS, prefers working out at home rather than hitting the gym. “Learn the simple art of using your own body weight to exercise,” she advises. “There’s no need for a gym. Push-ups, sit-ups, squats, wall presses, running up and down stairs—everything you need to stay in shape is right there at home.

3.Daniela Ruah

Daniela Ruah, 39, played Kensi Blye. The actress has been dancing since she was 5. “Do I dance at home? Sure,” she says. “Sometimes my son and I will prance around the house and dance. He responds to music so wonderfully, but I wouldn’t say it is something that brought me back into shape. I didn’t do any (dance) classes. I wish I had. It was mostly gym work with a personal trainer, jogging, working out with the kids, and eating healthily.”

4.Jennifer Esposito

Jennifer Esposito, 50, played Alexandra Quinn. The actress was diagnosed with celiac disease in her 30s. “It’s an autoimmune disease, so you really have to stay on top of it,” she says. “When you feel a flare coming on, if you don’t take charge right then, it’ll cycle out of control. I feel great right now, but my killer is stress, and I’m still learning how to deal with that. Meditation helps a lot.”

5.Kelly Hu

Kelly Hu, 55, played Lee Wuan Kai. The actress prefers a plant-based diet. “I think diet is everything,” she says. “What you put into your body is not just important for weight management but affects every aspect of your life.  I’m a firm believer in eating clean, organic, healthy foods. I stopped eating fast and processed food years ago and I think that’s the number one thing I’ve done for my skin and body. Luckily I enjoy cooking and have the time to do a lot of my own food prep even when I’m shooting.”

6.Vanessa Lachey

Vanessa Lachey, 42, who played Jane Tennant, never skips breakfast. “I’m a big breakfast girl. If I had a choice, I would sit down to sausage links and a ham-and-cheese omelet and toast and fruit,” she says. “Sometimes—and this is probably the Asian in me coming out—I’ll do scrambled eggs over rice with soy sauce. It’s a big comfort food for me. When I’m at a hotel I’ll call room service at 7 in the morning and be like, ‘um, do you guys have white rice and soy sauce?’”

7.Katrina Law

Katrina Law, 37, who played Jessica Knight, fits her training around her filming schedule. “I went old-school—working out with weights and doing just one body part at a time,” she says. “For a while, I was doing a HIIT circuit. But sometimes with interval cardio, I find myself getting injured and wearing myself out a lot. When you’re working 14-hour days, you tend to break down. I found it easier to do very lazy, long cardio. And also yoga to stay stable and Zen out.”

8.Cote de Pablo

Cote de Pablo, 43, played Ziva David on the show. The actress swears by regular yoga sessions. “Four or five days a week, I do open flow Vinyasa [breath-synchronized yoga],” she says. “I bring a teacher, who happens to be a great friend, to my house. You look at this woman’s body and you go, ‘Wow, the benefits of yoga!’ You can see that there’s a lift everywhere. And it’s completely natural. There’s nothing fake about her body. I love natural beauty.”

9.Emily Wickersham

Emily Wickersham, 39, played Eleanor Bishop. The actress does regular Pilates sessions and plays tennis. “For me it’s about feeling good first… and I’ve realized that it comes from what I choose to eat,” she says. “Once I started paying attention to what I was eating and becoming conscious of what made me feel good or bad, it was a game-changer.”

10.Marisol Nichols

Marisol Nichols, 49, played ATF Special Agent Zoe Keates. The actress taught herself to cook, and says it’s been a game changer. “My food philosophy is this: You’re not going to stick with any lifestyle change unless it tastes good,” she says. “Otherwise it’s torture. And why would you do that to yourself? I also recently rediscovered celery sticks and peanut butter. Remember that from when you were a kid? They’re so good. I also live on Zevia soda, which you can buy at Whole Foods.”

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