The Shocking Truth: Michael Weatherly’s NCIS Romance Mirrors His Real-Life Love Story!

Michael Weatherly’s ‘NCIS’ Love Interests: Parallels with Real Life

On NCIS, Michael Weatherly’s character, Tony DiNozzo, had several notable love interests, including Jeanne Benoit, played by Scottie Thompson. Benoit, introduced in Season 4, was the daughter of an arms dealer, and her relationship with DiNozzo ended due to their conflicting life goals. Despite the end of their storyline, Thompson made periodic returns, with her last appearance in Season 13. Reflecting on her return, Thompson remarked, “It’s like I was never gone.”

Interestingly, Weatherly’s on-screen love story mirrored a real-life experience. During his hiatus from the show, he fell in love with a doctor, whom he later married. When Thompson returned, he humorously reminded his wife of the storyline from years ago, saying, “Remember when I told you about that story arc eight years ago? It’s back.”

Potential Love Interest: EJ Barrett

Michael Weatherly expressed that he believed EJ Barrett, portrayed by Sarah Jane Morris, would have been a more suitable love interest for Tony DiNozzo than Jeanne Benoit. Introduced in Season 8, Barrett and DiNozzo connected, with both facing international promotions—DiNozzo chose to stay, while Barrett accepted the job. Weatherly appreciated the maturity and stability Barrett brought to DiNozzo’s life, contrasting her with DiNozzo’s previous romantic interests.

“She’s a pretty compelling adult, unlike some of the women Tony has been interested in in the past,” Weatherly told Television Line. He highlighted that Barrett’s grounded nature allowed DiNozzo to experience a genuine interest in someone real. “For the first time, he’s genuinely interested in someone who’s real,” he told Entertainment Weekly. “It’s not a blowup doll or a Mossad assassin. This was a great opportunity for Tony to develop normal feelings and explore a crush without the usual complications.”

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