After nearly two decades of portraying the lovable and dedicated Dr. Jimmy Palmer on the hit TV series “NCIS,” actor Brian Dietzen bids a heartfelt farewell to the show and its devoted fans. In...
In a heartfelt announcement, Emily Wickersham has confirmed her departure from the long-running TV series NCIS. Known for her role as Special Agent Ellie Bishop since 2013, Wickersham’s exit has left fans saddened. Taking...
Dick York’s portrayal of Darrin Stephens in the classic TV series Bewitched remains a cherished part of television history. His humor, charm, and undeniable chemistry with co-star Elizabeth Montgomery made Darrin Stephens an iconic...
Mark Harmon has addressed the possibility of returning to NCIS following the upcoming NCIS: Origins prequel. Harmon, who departed from his role as Leroy Jethro Gibbs in NCIS season 19, will narrate the prequel...
Pauley Perrette’s departure from NCIS was met with mixed reactions, but the show managed to write her character, Abby Sciuto, out by having her leave after a traumatic incident. This involved a hitman attack...
Eric Christian Olsen, known for his role on “NCIS: Los Angeles,” has transitioned from acting to a career in production. He is now set to debut the new “Matlock” series on CBS. After 13...
I’m thrilled that the Tony and Ziva spinoff is breaking away from a long-standing NCIS tradition that’s felt tired for years. The official cast announcement for NCIS: Tony & Ziva has given us a...
For years, “NCIS” has captivated audiences with its gripping storylines and complex characters. One fan favorite is Dr. Donald “Ducky” Mallard, portrayed by David McCallum. As the long-time Chief Medical Examiner, Ducky’s wisdom and...
In the realm of showbiz, Adan Canto was a true luminary, captivating us with his artistry and charm. His on-screen charisma and unwavering commitment to his craft left an indelible imprint on our hearts....
After nearly two decades of portraying the lovable and dedicated Dr. Jimmy Palmer on the hit TV series “NCIS,” actor Brian Dietzen bids a heartfelt farewell to the show and its devoted fans. In...