The eagerly awaited prequel series, NCIS: Origins, on CBS has announced the addition of two new cast members. The upcoming drama will see Mark Harmon reprising his role as Special Agent in Charge Leroy...
The home release of NCIS: Hawaii’s third season will include two never-before-seen bonus specials. Earlier this year, CBS disappointed fans by announcing the end of the NCIS spin-off after just three seasons. The show,...
After nearly two decades of portraying the lovable and dedicated Dr. Jimmy Palmer on the hit TV series “NCIS,” actor Brian Dietzen bids a heartfelt farewell to the show and its devoted fans. In...
In the realm of showbiz, Adan Canto was a true luminary, captivating us with his artistry and charm. His on-screen charisma and unwavering commitment to his craft left an indelible imprint on our hearts....
The release date for the upcoming 22nd season of “NCIS” has finally been revealed. The long-running show is set to return on October 14 at 8 pm on CBS, followed by the premiere of...
In the realm of Hollywood, there are moments that captivate the public’s attention, leaving an indelible mark on the collective consciousness. Recently, actress Daniela Ruah achieved just that, as she graced the spotlight in...
After nearly two decades of portraying the lovable and dedicated Dr. Jimmy Palmer on the hit TV series “NCIS,” actor Brian Dietzen bids a heartfelt farewell to the show and its devoted fans. In...
Country music mourns the loss of Toby Keith, the iconic voice behind hits like “Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue. ” With his patriotic anthems, he left an indelible mark on hearts worldwide....
NCIS star Pauley Perrette has issued a stark warning to fans about scammers impersonating her online. Taking to Instagram on Tuesday, the actress, known for playing Abby Sciuto in the CBS drama from 2003...
While many serious diseases are typically diagnosed through laboratory tests, medical imaging, and other advanced diagnostic techniques, there are instances where changes in the skin can provide crucial clues or be associated with certain...