Fans of the long-running hit series “NCIS” received heartbreaking news today: Rocky Carroll, who has portrayed the beloved character Leon Vance for many years, is set to depart from the show. This announcement has...
Linda Hunt paid a heartfelt tribute to her friend and fellow actor Bill Cobbs following his passing on June 25, 2024. Known for her roles in movies like “The Year of Living Dangerously” and...
From TV Cop to Real-Life Hero: An NCIS: Los Angeles Actor’s Harrowing Freeway Incident Imagine spending seven years of your life playing a law enforcement agent on TV. Day in and day out, you...
Based on what I’ve seen so far from NCIS: Hawai’i, I understand the sentiment surrounding its unceremonious ending. Jane Tennant is a brilliant leader, and the ensemble cast is diverse, offering better representation and...
NCIS: Hawai’i’s Cancellation Sparks Major Backlash Against CBS The cancellation of NCIS: Hawai’i has already caused a significant backlash against CBS. The decision is even more confusing given the network’s plans for new series...
NCIS Star Reveals Heartbreaking Reason Gibbs Keeps His Front Door Unlocked Mark Harmon’s portrayal of Leroy Jethro Gibbs on NCIS has always included a unique quirk: Gibbs keeps his front door unlocked. This intriguing...
First details about the new characters in NCIS: Tony and Ziva have been shared, and fans are eagerly anticipating the dynamics between Michael Weatherly and Cote de Pablo. Although Weatherly and de Pablo departed...
In the vibrant heart of Hollywood, a couple wrote a love story that resonated with millions. Mark Harmon and Pam Dawber, their enduring bond became an inspiration in a world where love often confronts...
In a pivotal moment of the finale, Special Agent Jessica Knight stumbles upon a revealing conversation between Director Leon Vance and a familiar face from her past, Brian “Moondog” Mooney. Vance discloses Moondog’s new...
Amidst the reverberations of ‘NCIS’ coming to an end, Brian Dietzen’s voice emerges as a source of solace and inspiration. His post not only expresses gratitude for the past but also becomes a guiding...