Ahead of their NCIS spinoff, Michael Weatherly and Cote de Pablo have reunited with original franchise actor Sasha Alexander. Despite the recent cancellation of NCIS: Hawai’i, the NCIS universe remains strong with new spinoffs...
In a heartfelt announcement, Emily Wickersham has confirmed her departure from the long-running TV series NCIS. Known for her role as Special Agent Ellie Bishop since 2013, Wickersham’s exit has left fans saddened. Taking...
Get ready, NCIS fans, because your favorite group of government agents is coming back for another season! Just two months after season 21 began airing on CBS, fans were thrilled to learn that the...
Speculations have emerged regarding a potential feud between “NCIS” co-stars Rocky Carroll and Wilmer Valderrama, leaving fans intrigued about the dynamics behind the scenes of the long-standing series. Both actors are known for their...
First details about the new characters in NCIS: Tony and Ziva have been shared, and fans are eagerly anticipating the dynamics between Michael Weatherly and Cote de Pablo. Although Weatherly and de Pablo departed...
Today, we come together to honor the cherished son of Gary Sinise, whose presence illuminated the lives of many. His laughter, compassion, and strength made a lasting impact on all who had the privilege...
NCIS Origins won’t survive without one actor’s on-screen appearance: Mark Harman’s physical appearance in NCIS Origins is crucial for establishing the show’s premise and attracting viewers. CBS can get creative with staging Harmon’s cameo,...
Mark Harmon and Pauley Perrette, known for their roles in the hit television series “NCIS,” have recently confirmed the validity of long-standing rumors about their relationship. In a joint statement, they acknowledged the speculation...
Gary Cole’s introduction in NCIS Season 19 injected new life into the series following Mark Harmon’s departure as Leroy Jethro Gibbs. Portraying Alden Parker, Cole’s performance garnered widespread praise, seamlessly transitioning from the iconic...
After nearly two decades of portraying the lovable and dedicated Dr. Jimmy Palmer on the hit TV series “NCIS,” actor Brian Dietzen bids a heartfelt farewell to the show and its devoted fans. In...