Mark Harmon is set to reprise his role in NCIS: Origins, delving into his character’s early years within the organization. However, fans might see Harmon return as Gibbs sooner in NCIS season 21, particularly...
Mark Harmon, widely known for portraying Gibbs on “NCIS,” recently opened up about his private battle with illness, shedding light on a hidden struggle behind his on-screen persona. Despite his efforts to keep his...
Ahead of their NCIS spinoff, Michael Weatherly and Cote de Pablo have reunited with original franchise actor Sasha Alexander. Despite the recent cancellation of NCIS: Hawai’i, the NCIS universe remains strong with new spinoffs...
NCIS, the popular crime drama that has kept fans on the edge of their seats for over two decades, is returning with its 22nd season. Here’s everything you need to know about the upcoming...
Fans of “NCIS” were devastated when beloved character Leroy Jethro Gibbs, played by Mark Harmon, announced his retirement in the fourth episode of the 19th season, “Great Wide Open.” Despite Gary Cole’s brilliant performance...
Sean Murray’s role on “NCIS” has evolved significantly over time, making his character, Timothy McGee, one of the show’s most central and beloved figures. His departure would undoubtedly leave a substantial gap, but it...
Michael Weatherly, renowned for his portrayal of Special Agent Tony DiNozzo on CBS’s NCIS for 13 seasons, shared heartbreaking news over the weekend: his younger brother, Will Weatherly, passed away on April 20th, 2023....
In the midst of the echoes signaling the conclusion of ‘NCIS,’ Brian Dietzen’s voice emerges as a comforting and inspiring presence. His post not only conveys gratitude for the past but also serves as...
In the enthralling two-part narrative of “Hiatus Parts I and II,” “NCIS” weaves a tale that seamlessly integrates intense action with profound personal growth. The Plot: The Navy Yard is rocked by a devastating...
NCIS Spinoff Offers a Unique Opportunity to Revive a Long-Absent Character A new NCIS spinoff is set to reintroduce a character who hasn’t been seen in the franchise for 19 years. Over the years,...