Motivated by his brother’s suffering, Sean embarked on a secret game project, intending it as a gift to Liam that embodied their shared passion for exploration and adventure. His aim was to promise Liam...
Daniela Ruah, celebrated for her portrayal of Kensi Blye on NCIS: Los Angeles, faced insecurities at the outset of her acting journey over two decades ago. Despite her initial trepidation of potential rejection, she...
Michael Weatherly recently shared the heartbreaking news of his brother Will’s passing on Twitter. While the cause of death wasn’t disclosed, Michael fondly recalled Will’s love for travel and the joyful moments they shared....
In a stunning development that has rocked the NCIS fan community, Pauley Perrette, celebrated for her portrayal of forensic scientist Abby Sciuto, is poised to make an extraordinary return to the acclaimed television series,...
Wilmer Valderrama has appeared in over 120 episodes of “NCIS” on CBS, but on Monday night, fans will see his character, Nick Torres, in an unprecedented predicament. In the episode titled “Last Dance,” an...
NCIS: Hawai’i’s stunning cancellation left plot threads dangling, but the end of Season 3 can be resolved without needing a fourth season. The decision to cancel NCIS: Hawai’i was a big mistake, considering the...
NCIS Origins won’t survive without one actor’s on-screen appearance: Mark Harman’s physical appearance in NCIS Origins is crucial for establishing the show’s premise and attracting viewers. CBS can get creative with staging Harmon’s cameo,...
Season 22 of NCIS might set the stage for the new spin-off, NCIS: Tony and Ziva, which will bring back Michael Weatherly’s Tony DiNozzo and Cote de Pablo’s Ziva David. Set to air on...
Nearly two decades have passed since Kate Todd’s shocking and untimely death in the Season 2 finale of NCIS. Her introduction to the agency set the tone for the CBS police procedural, and her...
Speculations have emerged regarding a potential feud between “NCIS” co-stars Rocky Carroll and Wilmer Valderrama, leaving fans intrigued about the dynamics behind the scenes of the long-standing series. Both actors are known for their...