In the enthralling two-part narrative of “Hiatus Parts I and II,” “NCIS” weaves a tale that seamlessly integrates intense action with profound personal growth. The Plot: The Navy Yard is rocked by a devastating...
Parker’s addition to NCIS in season 22 brings fresh storytelling opportunities, particularly focusing on his childhood and family history. The introduction of Lily’s mystery in the season 21 finale sets up a personal arc...
NCIS Origins won’t survive without one actor’s on-screen appearance: Mark Harman’s physical appearance in NCIS Origins is crucial for establishing the show’s premise and attracting viewers. CBS can get creative with staging Harmon’s cameo,...
Our bodies have a remarkable way of signaling when something isn’t quite right internally. Recognizing these warning signs can be crucial in preventing more serious health issues later on. Restless leg syndrome manifests as...
Michael Weatherly recently shared the heartbreaking news of his brother Will’s passing on Twitter. While the cause of death wasn’t disclosed, Michael fondly recalled Will’s love for travel and the joyful moments they shared....
Gary Cole’s introduction in NCIS Season 19 injected new life into the series following Mark Harmon’s departure as Leroy Jethro Gibbs. Portraying Alden Parker, Cole’s performance garnered widespread praise, seamlessly transitioning from the iconic...
In the midst of the echoes signaling the conclusion of ‘NCIS,’ Brian Dietzen’s voice emerges as a comforting and inspiring presence. His post not only conveys gratitude for the past but also serves as...
A new NCIS spinoff can finally bring back a character who hasn’t appeared in the franchise for 19 years. Over the years, some characters have made surprising returns, like Anthony DiNozzo (Michael Weatherly) in...
NCIS Origins won’t survive without one actor’s on-screen appearance: Mark Harman’s physical appearance in NCIS Origins is crucial for establishing the show’s premise and attracting viewers. CBS can get creative with staging Harmon’s cameo,...
Excitement is soaring for NCIS fans as the beloved Tony DiNozzo, played by the charismatic Michael Weatherly, makes his long-awaited return. Known for his wit, charm, and undeniable chemistry with the team, DiNozzo’s comeback...