The end of an era has arrived for NCIS fans as Mark Harmon, beloved for his portrayal of Leroy Jethro Gibbs, bids a heartfelt farewell in an emotional message to viewers. With Harmon’s departure...
Following the recent cancellation of “NCIS: Hawaiʻi,” the cast reunited to reflect on their journey and celebrate the camaraderie they built during the show. The reunion was a heartfelt gathering, filled with emotional farewells...
In a bid to revive their beloved series, the cast of “NCIS: Hawai’i” is teaming up with fans to launch the #SaveNCISHawaii campaign. Leading the charge is Vanessa Lachey, who plays Special Agent in...
Exciting news for “NCIS” fans! The beloved crime procedural series is set to return with new seasons on Netflix in June 2024, offering viewers another opportunity to dive into the thrilling investigations led by...
Wilmer Valderrama, best known for his role on “NCIS: Los Angeles,” recently celebrated a significant family milestone. The actor shared his joy and gratitude with fans, expressing that the “long-awaited day has finally arrived.”...
In a surprising twist, a recent NCIS project has unveiled Kate Todd’s biggest regret, nearly two decades after her tragic death. Fans of the series will remember the shocking moment when Kate, portrayed by...
In an impressive display of versatility, seven NCIS stars have taken their talents beyond acting, surprising fans with their diverse achievements. Leading the pack is Mark Harmon, who not only portrayed Special Agent Leroy...
In a moment that has left fans of “NCIS” reeling with excitement, Pauley Perrette recently shared a surprise reunion with a former co-star from the show, six years after her departure. The unexpected encounter,...
The fervor among “NCIS” fans has reached new heights as demands for a Tony and Ziva spinoff to follow the franchise’s 21-year tradition echo across social media platforms. With the iconic duo capturing hearts...
The internet is buzzing with excitement as Sasha Alexander, best known for her role as Special Agent Caitlin Todd on “NCIS,” recently reunited with two familiar faces from the hit series. In a heartwarming...