For nearly two decades, NCIS fans have been captivated by Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs, portrayed by Mark Harmon. As whispers of Harmon’s potential exit in Season 19 swirled, the impact on fans and...
NCIS has the perfect replacement for Jessica Knight, but it hinges on one condition. At the end of season 21, Jessica Knight accepted a promotion to become the REACT Chief Training Officer at Camp...
“Still a survivor after this traumatic life I’ve been given,” says actress Pauley Perrette, best known for her role as Abby Sciuto, the quirky forensic scientist on NCIS. Perrette contributed significantly to one of...
Ahead of their NCIS spinoff, Michael Weatherly and Cote de Pablo have reunited with original franchise actor Sasha Alexander. Despite the recent cancellation of NCIS: Hawai’i, the NCIS universe remains strong with new spinoffs...
NCIS fans rejoiced as fan-favorite trio Sean Murray, Michael Weatherly, and Cote de Pablo reunited after a decade. Known for their unmatched chemistry both on and off-screen, their recent podcast appearance highlighted their enduring...
Sharif Atkins, known for his role as Captain Norman ‘Boom Boom’ Gates in “NCIS: Hawai’i,” has secured his first post-cancellation role in the upcoming Apple TV+ series “Me.” In this coming-of-age drama, Atkins will...
The NCIS universe continues to expand, but a new spinoff might benefit from revisiting the franchise’s roots. With NCIS season 22 on the horizon and no signs of new entries slowing down, it’s surprising...
NCIS Origins Begins Production: Episode One Title Revealed in BTS Image Mariel Molino shared a behind-the-scenes image from the set of “NCIS Origins” as production kicked off. The image revealed that the title of...
It’s hard to believe it’s been this long, serving those who protect and protecting those who serve. Enjoy the show—what show? The entire agency is under attack. Grab your gear now! Whoever’s behind these...
First details about the new characters in NCIS: Tony and Ziva have been shared, and fans are eagerly anticipating the dynamics between Michael Weatherly and Cote de Pablo. Although Weatherly and de Pablo departed...