In an exciting reunion that has thrilled NCIS fans worldwide, beloved former cast members gathered for a nostalgic trip down memory lane, marking a decade since some of their most iconic moments on the...
Cote de Pablo was a key figure on NCIS, and while it’s impossible to imagine the shared NCIS universe without her, she almost didn’t play Ziva David. De Pablo portrayed the character from seasons...
In a recent interview, NCIS star Wilmer Valderrama shared his thoughts on how he envisions the dramatic end for his character, Special Agent Nick Torres. Valderrama, who has portrayed Torres since 2016, reflected on...
Share your thoughts in the comments about the ‘Ducky Tribute’ episode… In a poignant homage, the episode concluded with a touching moment as a very special agent entered to bid farewell to his old...
2024 has been a mixed bag for the NCIS franchise. On the positive side, the flagship show was renewed for Season 22, NCIS: Sydney was renewed for Season 2, and two new spinoffs are...
While NCIS is not primarily a romantic show, it has featured its share of dramatic romantic relationships, with one between Jessica Knight and Jimmy Palmer breaking over a decade of series tradition. As with...
Pauley Perrette originally decided to take a leave of absence from NCIS due to a growing feud with Mark Harmon, which began when Harmon’s dog bit a crew member on set. Despite Perrette’s efforts...
Over the years, NCIS has seen many beloved characters depart, leaving fans heartbroken. Among the most missed are Tony DiNozzo and Ziva David, portrayed by Michael Weatherly and Cote de Pablo. Excitingly, these cherished...
In the vast universe of NCIS, fans have developed strong attachments to the diverse array of characters that populate the series. However, not every character has managed to win the hearts of viewers, and...
Mark Harmon’s departure from NCIS after nearly two decades has sparked widespread speculation and discussion among fans of the show. Harmon, renowned for his portrayal of the beloved character Leroy Jethro Gibbs, bid farewell...