While NCIS is primarily known for its crime-solving, it has also featured dramatic romantic relationships, with the one between Jessica Knight and Jimmy Palmer breaking over a decade of series tradition. As with any...
Thanks to NCIS: Origins, characters killed in the perilous conditions faced by NCIS agents and their families can now reemerge. This new spinoff will travel back in time, focusing on the backstory of the...
Gary Cole’s introduction in NCIS Season 19 injected new life into the series following Mark Harmon’s departure as Leroy Jethro Gibbs. Portraying Alden Parker, Cole’s performance garnered widespread praise, seamlessly transitioning from the iconic...
After an impressive two-decade tenure, Mark Harmon, the iconic Leroy Jethro Gibbs of NCIS, has bid farewell to the show. Gibbs’ departure was sealed in the 19th season when he chose to stay in...
Sean Murray, renowned for his portrayal of Agent Timothy McGee on CBS’s long-standing hit show NCIS, recently discussed his anticipation for a post-NCIS future. Having embodied the same character for over two decades, Murray...
Mark Harmon is set to reprise his role in NCIS: Origins, delving into his character’s early years within the organization. However, fans might see Harmon return as Gibbs sooner in NCIS season 21, particularly...
Today, we come together to honor the cherished son of Gary Sinise, whose presence illuminated the lives of many. His laughter, compassion, and strength made a lasting impact on all who had the privilege...
NCIS Origins won’t survive without one actor’s on-screen appearance: Mark Harman’s physical appearance in NCIS Origins is crucial for establishing the show’s premise and attracting viewers. CBS can get creative with staging Harmon’s cameo,...
Our bodies possess an innate ability to communicate with us when something isn’t quite right. Recognizing these warning signs can be crucial in preventing more serious health issues in the future. Restless Leg Sensation:...
[Music] Hey there NCIS fans! If you’re like me, you’ve been watching the show for over two decades, witnessing characters come and go. One character who left a significant impact and departed under dramatic...