Specialists say that your body often sends signals to indicate something is wrong. Here is a list of signs to help you prevent potential health issues:
Crawling Sensation in Your Legs
A crawling feeling in the legs can be a symptom of restless leg syndrome, a disorder that creates the sensation of something crawling on your legs.
Skin Thickening
Skin thickening can result from a hormonal disorder, eczema, or allergies. Consult a doctor to understand the underlying cause.
Changes in Handwriting and Loss of Smell
Slowness in movement, changes in speech, and alterations in handwriting can be early signs of Parkinson’s disease.
Aggressive Behavior
Aggressive behavior can indicate depression. Researchers note that depression does not always manifest as sadness.
Hypersomnia, or excessive sleeping, can be caused by some autoimmune diseases. It involves an intense desire to sleep at any time and any place.
Changes in Eye Color
For individuals under 45, a white or grey ring around the cornea of the eyes can be a sign of high cholesterol.
Craving Salty Food
Constantly craving salty food can indicate iron deficiency, anemia, dehydration, or premenstrual syndrome, according to medical researchers.
Fatigue and Low Libido
Persistent fatigue and a low libido can be signs of a thyroid hormone issue.
Constant Thirst
Feeling thirsty all the time may be related to your salty food intake, but it can also indicate diabetes or pregnancy.