Ziva Is Coming Back to NCIS The Mistirious Comeback.

Is Cote de Pablo returning to NCIS as Ziva David?
Weatherly recently revealed on his Twitter account that a reunion between his character, Agent Anthony ‘Tony’ DiNozzo and Ziva David (Cote de Pablo) may be part of the upcoming 2023 season.

“We all would rather look at you and Ziva reuniting,” a fan wrote in response to a video Weatherly shared wishing everyone a happy new year. “Stay tuned… for this might be an interesting year for such “moments”!” Weatherly replied, quoting the tweet. Weatherly last appeared in the Season 13 finale in 2016, where he discovered Ziva had died in an attack, leaving behind a daughter, Tali (portrayed by twins Emelia and Layla Golfieri). Whilst he left for Paris with Tali during his exit from the show, the fan theory that Ziva was still alive was later confirmed when she returned to the series in Season 17 after being on the run for several years.

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