Gibbs’ Absence Perfect for NCIS’ Ducky Tribute? Click to Unravel the Surprising Twist!

Gibbs’s absence from the NCIS tribute to Ducky initially surprised some viewers, but it ultimately resonated well with both the cast and crew. Their collective sentiment? Opting to bring back DiNozzo instead of Gibbs made more emotional sense, especially concerning Jimmy’s grieving process, given the strong bond between Jimmy and DiNozzo’s character. Dietzen, who co-wrote the episode, emphasized how DiNozzo’s return was intended to provide support for his friend, injecting an element of secrecy and intimacy into the storyline.

While some fans had hoped for Gibbs’s appearance in the tribute, the decision not to include him was ultimately deemed the right one. Harmon’s departure marked a significant shift in the show, and his farewell episode provided a fitting conclusion for the character. While it’s understandable that fans desired to see Gibbs bid farewell to his close friend, such a scene might have diluted the impact of his departure.

Despite his absence from the tribute, Harmon remains a part of the NCIS franchise’s future. Binder’s openness to Gibbs returning for future episodes, coupled with Harmon’s involvement in developing a prequel centered around Gibbs, suggests that the character still holds relevance. DiNozzo’s return was met with enthusiasm from longtime fans, sparking speculation about how Harmon might reprise his role in the mainline NCIS series.

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