Now that we know season 14 will be the final season of the Reagans, an American Irish Catholic family from New York City with a history of working in law enforcement, there is real concern about how the program will conclude. Since its debut season, the CBS procedural series has tended to rely too heavily on abrupt endings and cliffhangers that don’t lead anywhere. The attempt to fit so many of the episode’s events within television’s severe time limits is totally understood, but the quantity of significant moments that were eliminated this way left viewers frustrated. Every time an episode concluded with something major, such as Janko and Jamie’s 30-day suspension, and the next episode began with a time jump, it further added to the disappointment.
The show has missed too many critical moments like these, leading viewers to believe they will see them onscreen but never act on them. Even a great episode like Something Blue (S9E22) was marred by a false sense of suspense that made no sense. Whatever the conclusion to the most family-oriented cop show is, viewers are confident that it will be emotionally charged. However, they would prefer to avoid the same sense of anticipation and useless cliffhangers that would lead nowhere. The final season of Blue Bloods will begin on CBS on February 16. Make sure to watch the opening episode to see where this season will take the Reagan family.