NCIS Cast Takes Surprise Pop Quiz – You Won’t Believe Their Hilarious Reactions!

Let’s put the entire NCIS cast to the test with a pop quiz on the show’s trivia. Can you identify who said the following quote: “I think you have me confused with someone who is far less awesome”?

Host: Alright, team, time for a little NCIS pop quiz. Who said the iconic quote, “I think you have me confused with someone who is far less awesome”?

Contestant 1: Oh wow, really? You have me confused with someone who’s far less awesome. I would never say anything like that.

Contestant 2: Can’t remember who said that. Hold on, hold on. I think I said that. Did I say that? I’m gonna say Tony DiNozzo.

Host: Are you sure?

Contestant 2: No, but I’m gonna say Tony DiNozzo.

Host: Okay, let’s keep it moving. What’s the correct answer?

Contestant 3: I think you’re confusing me with someone far less awesome. Final answer!

Host: Gosh, gosh, what does the studio audience say? Wait, there’s no studio audience. Anyway, moving on. The correct answer is…

Contestant 4: It was you! But I had to lead you down the wrong path because it’s so much funnier.

Host: Classic misdirection. Alright, let’s continue. The first airdate of NCIS was…

Contestant 5: September 23rd, 2003!

Host: Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner. Now, what was the original name supposed to be?

Contestant 6: Friends or Sorry.

Host: Correct! And now, for the final question, how much does the farting hippo cost at the CVS store?

Contestant 7: Um, $45?

Host: Well, that’s a bold guess. The correct answer is…

Contestant 8: $45 bucks! I was gonna guess 40, so close enough.

Host: And with that, we have our NCIS trivia champion! Great job, team!

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