What Are Our 26 Favorite Episodes of ‘NCIS’?

Here’s a condensed version of the notable episodes from the “Gibbs Forever Special Collector’s Edition” of NCIS:

  1. “My Other Left Foot” (Season 1, Episode 12) – Known for its dark humor, Ducky examines a severed leg, only to realize it’s a right foot, not a left one.
  2. “Dead Man Talking” (Season 1, Episode 19) – An episode featuring a twisty murder case, sexy banter, and the introduction of key characters.
  3. “Call of Silence” (Season 2, Episode 7) – An emotional episode involving a World War II vet’s confession to a wartime tragedy.
  4. “SWAK” (Season 2, Episode 22) – Tony is exposed to a plague in this suspenseful episode.
  5. “Kill Ari Part 1” (Season 3, Episode 1) – A season opener with cast changes introducing Ziva David and Director Jenny Shepard.
  6. “Bloodbath” (Season 3, Episode 21) – An episode focusing on the stalking of Abby, portrayed by Pauley Perrette.
  7. “Hiatus Part 1” (Season 3, Episode 23) – A touching episode where Gibbs recalls painful memories after a terrorist blast.
  8. “Cover Story” (Season 4, Episode 20) – McGee’s novel takes center stage, leading to a humorous investigation.
  9. “Chimera” (Season 5, Episode 6) – The 100th episode is filled with intrigue on a ghost ship.
  10. “Requiem” (Season 5, Episode 7) – An action-packed episode with a thrilling underwater rescue.
  11. “Heartland” (Season 6, Episode 4) – Gibbs reunites with his estranged father in his hometown.
  12. “Knockout” (Season 6, Episode 18) – Director Vance’s backstory unfolds with a focus on his past as a boxer.
  13. “Truth or Consequences” (Season 7, Episode 1) – A team effort to rescue Ziva kicks off Season 7.
  14. “A Man Walks Into a Bar…” (Season 8, Episode 14) – Mandatory psych evaluations provide insights into the characters’ early days.
  15. “Baltimore” (Season 8, Episode 22) – A flashback introduces Tony’s backstory and his first encounter with Gibbs.
  16. “Till Death Do Us Part” (Season 9, Episode 24) – Ziva’s emotional farewell marks the end of the “Tiva” storyline.
  17. “Honor Thy Father” (Season 11, Episode 24) – A touching tribute to Gibbs’ father, played by Ralph Waite.
  18. “Twenty Klicks” (Season 12, Episode 1) – Gibbs becomes an action hero in a Russian wilderness rescue mission.
  19. “Keep Going” (Season 14, Episode 13) – Jimmy Palmer takes center stage in an episode highlighting resilience.
  20. “House Divided” (Season 15, Episode 1) – A dramatic cliffhanger resolution with Gibbs and McGee missing in Paraguay.
  21. “Skeleton Crew” (Season 15, Episode 4) – A mystery unfolds during a citywide blackout, showcasing the new forensic psychologist, Jack Sloane.
  22. “Daughters” (Season 16, Episode 24) – Ziva’s goodbye marks the end of “Tiva.”
  23. “Blarney” (Season 17, Episode 19) – A St. Patrick’s Day-themed episode brings a touch of blarney to thwart diamond thieves.
  24. “The Arizona” (Season 17, Episode 20) – Christopher Lloyd delivers a powerful performance, honoring Pearl Harbor survivors and addressing Gibbs’ demons.
  25. “Everything Starts Somewhere” (Season 18, Episode 2) – A flashback explores Gibbs and Ducky’s past, reinforcing the value of their work family.
  26. “Great Wide Open” (Season 19, Episode 4) – Gibbs’ departure brings emotional farewells and a sense of closure.
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