Uncover the On-Set Drama at NCIS That Fans Had No Idea About?

In a long-running show like “NCIS,” it’s not unusual for feuds or conflicts to arise among the actors. One notable feud involved Pauley Perrette and Mark Harmon. The rift between them began when Mark Harmon’s dog bit a crew member, resulting in 15 stitches. Pauley Perrette expressed her concerns to CBS executives, leading to a ban on Harmon bringing his dog to the set. This incident strained their working relationship to the point where they filmed separately in Pauley Perrette’s last season, season 15. When asked about the possibility of her return to the show, Pauley Perrette responded negatively.

On the other hand, the chemistry between Mark Harmon and Michael Weatherly, who played Agent Gibbs and Agent DiNozzo, initially had its challenges. Weatherly described the differences in their personalities, with him bringing a lighthearted and carefree attitude to set, while Harmon was more serious and stern. Over time, they developed a better working relationship. Weatherly expressed openness to returning to “NCIS.”

Another significant departure from the show was Cote de Pablo, who portrayed Ziva David. Her exit in season 11 was due to creative differences and a dissatisfaction with the character’s direction. This decision wasn’t easy for her, as she had spent eight years playing Ziva. The departure did not only impact fans but also her co-stars. Pauley Perrette wore a T-shirt with the message “I heart my job,” which some interpreted as a response to de Pablo’s departure.

Furthermore, there was a brief feud between Pauley Perrette and Cote de Pablo, who initially kept silent about her reasons for leaving. In 2016, de Pablo revealed her dissatisfaction with the character’s development and political factors. Pauley Perrette expressed her shock at de Pablo’s departure and emphasized their friendship, and her T-shirt incident may have been misconstrued.

Additionally, Donald P. Bellisario, the creator of “NCIS,” left the show due to conflicts with Mark Harmon. He had requested changes to a scene, but when Harmon repeated it in the same manner, their working relationship deteriorated. Ultimately, CBS decided that Bellisario would depart.

In summary, “NCIS” has experienced various feuds and conflicts among the cast and crew over the years, leading to departures and strained working relationships.

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